Leading Gearbox Manufacturers in India for Travelling Grate

If you are a Travelling Grate Manufacturer and are looking for a reliable supplier of Gearboxes then you are at a right place. This blog will give you a clear insight of reliable manufacturer of gearboxes for travelling grate. Top Gear Transmissions the leading manufacturer of Industrial Gearboxes in India is supplying highly efficient and reliable gearboxes for travelling grate application from last two decades. With more than 20000+ gearboxes installed all gearboxes are running satisfactory. Efficiency of travelling grate is very important, inefficient travelling grate boilers causes a considerable energy waste. According to statistics there are >500 000 industrial boilers, representing about one-third of the total nationwide coal consumption. Most of these industrial boilers are coal fired travelling grate. The thermal efficiency of many of these boilers is only 60–70% which leads to a remarkable waste in energy. Use of hydraulic drives or inefficient gearboxes is also one ...